Olifanten mahout cursus Baan Chang (3 dagen / 2 nachten)

Tour price & remarks
Tour code: 0259(Multiday Tour)
Tour : Olifanten mahout cursus Baan Chang (3 dagen / 2 nachten)
Vertrekdag (in TH): Dagelijks
Start - & eindtijd: 08.30 uur
Prijs vanaf: 0
Minimum: 1 personen
Brandstoftoeslag: 0 THB pp. (betalen in Thailand)
Nationaal park toeslag: THB pp. (betalen in Thailand)
Period Adult price Single surcharge Currency

Prijs per persoon


Elephants with CHILDREN
- Suitable for children 4 years and older
- Children can join under the following conditions:
- Special child discount 4 - 9 years of: -500 THB
- Children should be able to swim.
- Parents are responsible for the safety and control of their children at all times.
- Two persons per one elephant
- Single person sharing with others (or 1 person per Elephant - require to pay for 2 persons)